Monday, April 27, 2009

Out of the mouth of babes. . . .

I have been inspired and challenged through the writings of many bloggers. It is time for me to record the everyday happenings in my life! The same week I decided to do this, my sweet A looked at me as I was helping her get dressed for church and said, "You love the 'puter' bestest." Did she say what I thought she said? Once again she repeated, "You love the 'puter' bestest." I had not been on the "puter". I reassured her that I loved her more than any computer and would not blink an eye throwing it away! A told me she knew I loved her and "please don't throw the "puter" away Mommy!" (she loves dressing Cinderella on d^sn* have only done this twice, but she has not forgotten!) What pricked my heart deep was that she could not say "Mommy, you love reading the Bible bestest. . . . Jesus bestest. . . going to church bestest. . . .praying bestest. . . .telling people about Jesus bestest." Do our children see what gives us TRUE JOY? Out of the mouth of babes. . . .


  1. convicting! God uses even our little ones to speak to our hearts!

    On a side note, I am SO excited about you starting this blog. I look forward to reading all about the joys in your journey!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement. . .you are my inspiration! I have so much to learn about blogging!
