Monday, May 4, 2009

Am I four yet, Momma?

"I am not three, I am four?!?" Today is my sweet Angel Girls birthday! A has been asking daily for the past month, "Am I four yet?". Now the day is here and she is enjoying soaking it all in! It is hard to believe that she entered this world at 8 lbs.,1 oz. and 21 in. long. Look at how big she is now!

My how the time flies! What a precious gift God blessed J and me with! We pray she will continue to grow physically and spiritually this next year of her life! Thank you God for our sweet Angel Girl! Happy Birthday Princess!


  1. I am still learning. . . not sure how to rearrange pics correctly. I tried everything!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Happy Birthday to little Miss A! I cannot believe she is 4 already! The picture of her as a baby is just too precious!

    The blog looks great are doing a good job so far! It does take some trial and error - trust me I know...I am still learning too! FB or call me if you have any questions, I would be glad to try to help!

  4. Hey Lisa, I found your blog from Amanda's. I am impressed!!!!!!! Wow, time sure does fly by. It seems like not too long ago that your precious little girl was just a tiny little baby. Happy Birthday to her! :-) She is blessed to have two wonderful parents!

  5. oops, I forgot to sign my name to the previous comment. That comment was from me, Beth. :-)
