I attempted to take pictures of the kids Friday. Good times! Memories.
The grass was wet and there were acorns that HAD to be gathered.
One day, I will be able to get that perfect picture. :)
Now to learn how to edit. My hubby keeps telling me it is so easy, but I am lost.
Adobe Photoshop is not as easy as he makes it out to be. My goal is to figure it out before Christmas.
♡Colten Hunter♡
10 1/2 months
I just ♡ those 2 little bottom teeth sneaking in the picture.
I could just gobble him up.
He has become so independent and just last week weaned himself.
I cried, but remembered that I was blessed to have him begin to nurse again at 5 1/2 months old.
We had to stop at 23 days old. SIGH~I am smitten by those blue eyes!
Get me off of this damp, prickly grass!
♡ All of my Lovebugs! ♡
I wish I had pulled out the camera Saturday. We all pulled out our sweaters and enjoyed the day outside! It was perfect! Ashlyn and I headed to our favorite thrift store and found some great bargains. I just LOVE how God provides our every need!
I dropped Ashlyn off at home to continue her playing outside and then headed to the grocery store
I loved it but at the same time I am lost without my family. LOL! I did not have a list, so I wandered here and there. Ran into a friend and was encouraged as she shared how God was providing for her family. New house and wonderful changes next year. I was reminded once again that God knows what we need and to continue to trust in Him. He is faithful!
I quickly got the items I needed, paid for everything, and headed home to my Love and Lovebugs! I was greeted with hugs and "Whats for dinner, Momma?" from my growing 4 1/2 yr old.
Put groceries away, fed Colten and started supper.
White Chicken Chili and Cornbread! Delicious and a perfect way to end a fabulous Saturday!
Sunday was another, cool crisp day! We were a bit late to Sunday School, but we made it! Blessed by the music and preaching of God's Word. Sunday afternoon naps for the kids and sweet conversation with my Love. Sunday night at Master Clubs. My husband and I work with the 3 year olds. Adorable and never a dull moment. I have a former coworkers granddaughter at my table. She said her verse to me! So sweet. So glad she has finally warmed up to me.
John 15:12-. . . .love one another, as I have loved you.
I woke up thinking about my Heavenly Fathers love for me. And I asked the Lord for my children to see His love as I minister to them throughout the day. Mondays seem to be the most challenging day of the week. BUT I am thankful for a very productive, fun, and at times loud morning.
I am off to finish our morning and begin the afternoon! I trust you will have a blessed Monday!
(My 4 1/2 year old just asked me to come and play--"You will be the Grandma!" Heehee!)